Do you know multiple sclerosis? Taurine can repair the damaged cells of this rare disease

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a kind of autoimmune disease and there is currently no cure for it, but some medications may be used to promote myelin regeneration to reduce the recurrence of MS. A recent study published in Nature Chemical Biology found that taurine, a metabolite of human cells, can improve the effectiveness of MS treatment.

  • Taurine helps to promote cell maturation

The remission of MS symptoms depends on the process of remyelination. Scientists at the Institute of Squillies (TSRI) found that the combination of taurine and existing MS drugs helped to stimulate the process of “remyelination”, which is essential for the repair of multiple sclerosis neurons.”This may be a therapeutic mechanism,” said Luke Lairson, Ph.D., assistant professor of chemistry for TSRI and co-senior author of the study.Cell analysis and subsequent experimental results show that the endogenous metabolite – taurine, although it can not induce the maturation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells, but when combined with benzophenone or miconazole drugs, it can play a certain role.

  • Metabolomics analysis of a wide range of medical applications prospects

Dr. Gary Siuzdak said the finding also underscores the potential of “metabolomics analysis”, which offers unique insight into many different diseases. Scientists can use metabolomics analysis to analyze metabolic disorders in the disease and then use that information to decipher the details.

The study found that given specific endogenous metabolites can affect the fate and function of cells, such as taurine. This opens up new avenues for the development of new therapies for many diseases.

Encouraged by nearly 21,000 scientists, Siuzdak is currently conducting these types of studies using his lab’s cloud-based XCMS / METLIN Metabolomics Analysis Platform, where metabolites are playing a meaningful role.

Siuzdak said: “Unlike other omics techniques, metabonomics have the advantage that metabolites are readily available, usually inexpensive, and rapidly affect phenotypes.”

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